[Hand of T. O'Conor:] Kilmeen and Bullaun parishes - {subject}
October 22nd 1838
Cill Míon is the Irish name of Kilmeen parish, which is bounded on the N.E. by the parishes of Kilreekil, Kilcooly, & Feenagh in the baronies of Athenry and Leitrim; on the S. by those of Feenagh, Leitrim and Kilteskel in the baronies of Leitrim and Loughrea, and on the West by the parish of Loughrea {Name book of this Ph., p. 1}.
The East gable of Kilmeen Church, remains; On it is a quadrangular window of cut stones, 7 feet from the ground, 3 feet high, and 10 inches broad.
There was an apartment attached to this East gable. Six feet of the South side wall of this apartment, are visible, with the traces of the west side of a window (place) on it.
A portion of the North side wall of the Church, remains, detached from the East gable; annexed to which ({gable}) is to be seen a portion of the South one. The North west corner, which is now reduced to the same height with the side wall, is still standing.
There is a mound of earth and stones, near this old Church, which goes by the name of Leacht Liocáin, the monument of Liocán.
In a tract on Hymania, preserved in the Book of Leacan, Fol: 92. a., we find it stated that the Comharb Chilli Mían, the Comharb of Cill mian {now Killmeen} was one of the seven Chief {principle [sic]} Comharbs of Hy-many.
Is there a Saint of the name of Mian {Mían} in the old Irish lists of Saints?
Ballydoogan old Castle stands in Ballydoogan, Baile Ui Dhugain, townland.
In O'Dugan's topographical poem, we find the name of the Chief O'Doogan written Ui Duibhgind, whose estate consisted of twelve ballys. The words are. -
Da bhaile déag Ui Duibhgind;
Do thathaidh tír na ttaoiseach,
Brathair Righ an Riogh thaoiseach.
Which run literally thus -
Ua Duibhgind has twelve ballys;
He cemented the Country of the Chiefs,
The royal Chief, is the brother (relative) of a King.
Rickard {2nd} Earl of Clanrickard, who died 24th July 1582, was, according to an Inquisition taken before John Crofton Esqre. at Athenry 1st October 1584, seized in fee and fee taile of several lands, in which was included the Castle of Balladogan and 3 qr (see Inquis. taken at Galway 1608).
Ulick {3d} Earl, was like seized in fee and feetayle of (several) lands, among which, is set down the Castle of Balladowgan {& 3 q.}. See the Inquisition taken at Galway 20th March 1608, &c., which also says that, this Earl was also seized of the ould ruinous Castle of Annaghbrydy {& 1 q}.
Annaghbride (Eanach Brighde) is now a townland in this parish, in which, are (situated) a burial ground and the ruins of an old castle.
in the N. Eastern extremity of Loughrea> By.
The Irish name of this parish, is Bullán.
There is a grave yard in the townland of Bullaun, but no vestige (of) a Church is observable therein. Near this grave yard there was formerly a fort called Cnoc a Bulláin, the hill of Bullaun, in which there were found some human bones, when the foundations of a Smith's forge was in the progress of being laid within it.
In Carrowmore townland, there lies a fort in which Children are interred, having a small Cave in it, and called Lisín na b-Paistidh, the lisheen of the children.
The Anglicised form is "Lisheennabasty".
St. Patrick's well {now dried up} lies in the townland of Ballyara, Baile Ui Eádhra.
I find nothing else remarkable in this parish.
T. O'Conor