Lakes in Galway that were identified in the O'Donovan Field Books

Place NameCivil ParishSituation
A small lake no nameBeaghOn the West boundary between townland Derrycallan Commons and townland Boulafastin, parish of Beagh, Barony of Kiltartan and Co. Galway.
Acre LoughDunammonAcre Lough is situated between the townlands of Curnaveigh and Bracklin and is apportioned to each.
AhwullaghheedonnellBallindoonSituated in the townland of Slieve Bourke.
Annagh LoughKilbeacantyIn the North of the townland of Annagh, Parish of Kilbeakanty, Barony of Kiltartan and County Galway.
Ardameelavan LoughBeaghOn the N. East boundary between townland Derrycallan Commons, parish of Beagh and townland [Unable to read.] South, parish Kilbeakanty, Barony Kiltartan and County Galway and on the East boundary of Gurtacarnan, townland, parish of Kilbeakanty.
Ardderro LoughKillanninOn the boundary E. of the Ph. common to Moycullen
Ardderry LakeKilcumminOn the boundary between Ardderrynagleragh and Lurgan townlands and Bunskauniff.
Arderroo LoughMoycullenOn the boundary W. of parish and townland Slievaneena
Arkeenymore LoughMoyrusIn the centre of Arkeenymore townland
Athry LoughMoyrusIn the centre of the townland of Athry
Atty Coffey West LoughsClontuskertThey are situated in the townland of Atty Coffey West and within about 2 chains of each other and in the Barony of Cloonmacnoon.
Aughrusbeg LoughOmeySituated in the centre of Aughrusbeg townland.
Ballanderreen LoughDrumacooN. of the above named townland.
Ballinaboy LakeBallindoonSituated in the townland of Ballinaboy.
Ballinafad LoughMoyrusBetween the townlands of Cloonbeg, Ballinafad and Killeen
Ballinahinch LakeMoyrusIn the centre of the Lethry townland
Ballinakill LakeBallynakill in the barony of BallynahinchIn the S.W. end of the parish. It is bounded W. by Ballynew N. by Shanbolard, Cartron and Dooneen, S. and E. by Tooreen and Sheeauns.
Ballinakilla LoughBeaghOn the East boundary of townland Derrycallan North, East of Loughattuiple, East and West of a road leading from Ennis to Gort and South of Loughcooter and Loughcooter Castle.
Ballindooly LoughOranmoreS.of Ballindooly townland on Parish St. Nicholas boundary.
Ballydoolough LoughRoss ParishSituated in the townland of Bally Doolough.
Ballydoolough LoughRoss ParishSituated in the townland of Bally Doolough.
Ballyfruit LoughKilkilverySituated at the western extremity of the townland of Ballyfruit..
Ballymaglancy LoughCongSituated in the townland of Ballymaglancy and the boundary of Ballynamona.
Ballynakill LoughKillanninS. of Maumeen townland in Garomna Island
Ballynamantin LoughKiltartanIn the townland Ballynamantin, parish of Kiltartan, Barony of Kiltartan and County Galway.
Ballyturn LoughKilbeacantyOn the East boundary of the townland Ballyturn and West boundary of Kilcrimple, Parish of Kilbeakanty, Barony Kiltartan and County Galway.
Barnahallia LoughOmeyOn the middle of the W. boundary of Barnahallia and on S. of Grallagh townlands.
Beaghcauneen LoughMoyrusIn the N.W. extremity of Derrycunlogh townland
Beaghgivereen LoughMoyrusIn the N. end of the townland of Goula
Beggarman's LoughMoycullenOn the parish boundary, South of Pulnacloghha.
Beggarman's LoughRahoonOn the boundary N. of parish and Derrycreagh townland
Bell Island LoughAddergooleOn the boundary of the townlands of Illaun, Gurtnagunnel, Drum and Coollecknaleagh and Cloondroon and in W. end of parish.
Big Lough of Derrywaking No name [crossed out]BallindoonSituated in the townland of Ardagh.
Black LakeMoyrusBetween the townlands of Cruckbwee and Dhuletter West
Black LakesMoyrusIn the S. end of the townland of Boheeshul
Black LoughBallinakill in Leitrim BaronyIn the South end of the townland of Derryoober West about 2½ miles S. S. West of Woodford.
Black LoughMoyrusIn the S. end of the townland of Dhuletter West
Black PoolMoyrusBetween the townlands of Dhuletter East and Dhuletter West
Blind LoughKilcloonySituated in the South extremity of Grange, North of the common mearing with Aughrim.
Boggaun LoughFohanaghSituated in the West of Doon Upper townland.
Bohoona LoughKillanninE. of Bohoona townland
Boolagare LoughBallindoonSituated in the townland of Boolagair.
Boolanaheandarry LoughBallindoonSituated in the townland of Beaghcaunneen.
Boolishka LoughMoycullenOn the parish boundary West of Letterpeak and Shannagurraun townlands
Braghaha LoughMoyrusIn the W. end of Beaghaha townland
BreanloughBallindoonSituated in the townland of Derrygimlagh.
BreanloughaunAthenry ParishIn the townland of Coolauren near its S. side.
BreanloughaunLackaghIn the townland of Coolauren near its S. side.
BrickloughKilleenadeemaIn the townland of Earl’s Park.
Buffy LoughKillanninN. of Buffy townland
Bulrush LoughBallynacourtyOn the boundary between Cregganamore and Thoanrooa
Bulrush-loughBallindoonSituated in the townland of Boolagair.
Bunnabochee LoughBallynakill in the barony of BallynahinchIn the centre of the N.W. part of Letterfrack and N. of the new road from Clifden to Westport.
Bunnavohaun LoughMoyrusIn the W. end of Derrycunlough townland
Cahereeshal LoughMoyrusIn the centre of the townlands of Lettershanna
Caherglassan LoughKilmacduaghOn the South West boundary of Ballynastaig, Barony of Kiltartan and County Galway.
Callaghan's LoughsClontuskertThey are situated in the townland of Carhookeel within about 4 chains of each other and the most northern of which is about 8½ chains North of the road running between Carhoomore West and Carhookeel. They are also situated in the Barony of Cloonmacnoon.
Callaherick L.MoyrusIn the N. end of the townland of Collanacruck
Carreeny LoughBeaghIn the West boundary of the townland Carreenymore, Parish of Beagh, Barony of Kiltartan and County Galway.
Castlerea LoughDunmore ParishN. side of Stripe townland and on the parish boundary.
Church lakeMoyrusIn the centre of Ballinahinch townland
Clogher LoughKilcumminOn the By. of Kilcummin and Moyrus parishes.
Clogheratinny LoughMoyrusBetween the townlands of Derryad East and Lettershanna
ClogherkinnaloughKilcumminIn Glantrasna townland.
Clohernagun LoughKillanninIn Cloghernagun townland South of the Ph.
Cloonacartan LoughMoyrusSituated in the centre of the townland of Cloonacartin
Cloonagat LoughMoyrusIn the N. of Derrycunlough townland between the townlands of Moyrus and Ballynakill
Clooncun LoughBoyounaghSituated on the boundary between the townland of Stonetown and Clooncun West in this parish and is apportioned to each.
CloonfunshinKilmacduaghOn the North West boundary of the townland Tarmon, Parish of Kilmacdouagh, Barony of Kiltartan and Co. Galway.
Cloonmore LakesTuam ParishIn the N.E. end of Cloonmore Townland.
Coleman's LakeBeaghOn the West bundary of the townland of Ardameelavan and East boundary of Ashfield Demesne, parish of Beagh, Barony Kiltartan and County Galway.
Conga LoughMoyrusBetween the townlands of Derrycunlogh and Emloghmore
Cooke's LoughAughrimIs situated in the northern side of Coolulla townland.
Coolderg LoughMoyloughSituated in the townland of Annaghmore West, on the N.W. side and 9 chains W. of the road leading from Moylough Church to Dunmore.
Coole LoughKiltartanOn the west boundary of the townland Coole Demesne, parish Kiltartan and Barony of Kiltartan, County Galway.
Coollulla LoughAughrimIs situated in the North side of Coolulla townland and common to this parish and Kilcloony.
Coolulla LoughKilcloonySituated in the South of this parish on the common mearing with Aughrim, south of Grange townland.
Corrakinknock LoughMoyrusIn the N. end of the townland of Goula
Creg LoughBeaghIn the North and [Unable to read.]. W. of the townland, Creg Demesne, Parish of Beagh, Barony of Kiltartan and County Galway.
Cregduff LoughMoyrusBetween Urrisbeg East and Erroolagh
Cregg LoughClonrushSituated on the boundary of the townlands of Creg, Furnace, Lakyle and Whitegate about 10 chains N. W. of Whitegate Village.